Saturday, March 3, 2012

Sheryl Riney passes from this world to heaven UPDATED

FUNERAL NEWS:  We have just received word that Sheryl's funeral is to be at 10:30 on Thursday at Eastminster Presbyterian Church in Wichita, KS.  Double check with other sources... 

Sheryl Riney was Presiding Clerk of Northridge Friends Church, where I am assistant Presiding Clerk.  She was 52 years old, and died unexpectedly earlier this Saturday afternoon.  She is a dear friend of my wife and I.

Here is a very old picture of Sheryl, from 1987 (?) found on Facebook.

Sheryl Riney

Katie Henderson posted this recent photo on her Facebook:

Katie Henderson and Sheryl Riney

Katie wrote the most moving words, describing her stunned feelings upon hearing of her Aunt's death -- and much more about Sheryl.  You can read it on Katie's Facebook -- it is a 'must read'.

The Church posted this notice:

Dearest Family of Northridge Friends,

It is with very deep grief that I explain to you that Sheryl Riney surrendered her eternal presence into the hands of the Lord early this afternoon. For several days she has been seeking medical treatment in dealing with symptoms of a blood clot, yet without a complete diagnosis. At this writing word is that a blood clot lodged in her lungs and caused a fatal heart attack. She passed from this life to the next at around 1:30 this afternoon. 

Please pause throughout this evening and pray earnestly for Doug and Paul, Cecil and Verna, Kevin and Michelle, their families, Sheryl’s mother and siblings. Sunday Service Schedule: The Sunday evening business meeting has been indefinitely postponed. Normal service times of 9:15 and 10:45 will be observed Sunday morning. Both will be abbreviated in time. Some general announcement, words of comfort and directed prayer will lead both services at 9:15 and at 10:45. Following there will be an open-ended time of un-programmed prayer and soft music. The 10:45 fellowship time will be moved to the sanctuary for a come-and-go time of quiet prayer and reflection. Adult Sunday School classes may individually choose their participation. 

This is a time for our church to gather at the foot of the cross of Christ. He came that we might have life, and live it to the fullest. Sheryl Riney lived it to the fullest for the years she was granted. The tragedy is that she could have enjoyed 40 more so easily. Pray for one another. 

Yours, Larry Kinser

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