Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Best Aircraft at Oshksoh 2011

Long time readers are aware of my interest and experimentation in electric aircraft.  Here's the first one I've seen that appeals to me.  It had reasonable performance, length of flight, and simplicity.

My attempts to fly the Belite with electrics have produced a very good, very short flight.  I'd shelved the project until I had some inspiration worth working on.

I learned a lot from this plane.  Got my inspiration back.


  1. Yeah, the electric Lazair is quite impressive still, particular in its use of COTS electric RC components.

    Looks like motor manufacturers may need to work for more weather-proof materials as we tend to baby our RC aircraft.

    The use of multiple smaller motors might make for some interesting designs.

  2. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Have you seen the electric Gull? It claims some really impressive numbers, and the guy behind it has a lot of street cred.

  3. Peter Harlow8:06 PM

    Hi James - great looking e-Lazair! Take the floats off it and it would surely make a great electric test or even production aircraft? Peter in Australia
