Thursday, March 31, 2011

More SNF Damage Photos

I have posted FOUR sets of damage photos at Sun N Fun.  This is one of the four sets.

The links for all four damage photo sets, including this one, are:

You can follow James on Twitter:  @jamespwiebe
You can subscribe to Belite Aircraft here.
You can see some pretty cool takeoff and other videos on Belite's youtube channel.

You can see Belite's Flickr photos here.

(c) 2011 James Wiebe.  Please feel free to reprint these pictures.  Just provide a credit to me (James Wiebe) and a link to this blog.  Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I’m chilling upon looking at the photos. Can’t help but wonder about the condition of the aircraft pilots.

    -Avionics testers | AvionTEq
