Monday, December 6, 2010

Magazine Does a Photoshoot of Superlite

I enjoyed the experience of being a part of an aircraft photoshoot. It's even more interesting when you're flying an ultralight aircraft!

The photo session had several parts:

a)  Some fly-bys, down the runway, to the left and the right of the photographer.  My objective was to keep the wheels one feet off the runway, and to keep a wingtip over his head as I passed by.  I was free to start a pullup when I was within 100 feet of him.

b)  This was followed by some detail shots on the ground.

c)  After a lunch break, another pilot with C172 showed up, and we carefully planned a series of air to air shots.  This entailed (for me) flying in straight lines at about 500AGL for long periods of time.  I was occasionally instructed to turn.  We then did a couple of fast approaches to the field, with the photo plane close by as I descended final.

It was scary at first but turned into a lot of fun.  Here's some pics:

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