Thursday, July 29, 2010

At the Light Sport / Ultralight Field at Oshkosh

I was irritated that the red plane passed me, but grateful for the opportunity to take his picture.  He is seen in the above pic, turning to the right at Oshkosh.  Lots of planes in the air, all at the same time.  While waiting to take off, I snapped a series of pics.  Here they are:

A Hummel bird.

Here's a plane that I passed.  The pilot was having a good time, dropping his feet below the seat:

Here's a Legal Eagle, coming in to land.  Nice ultralights!
And a different Legal Eagle.
This guy was having a lot of fun!  Same plane that I passed.

And here's a nice shot of whole Oshkosh ultralight flying experience:

-- James

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