Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Move out into the country

We're close to finishing up a move to our new location.

Our old production location was in a conventional office space with a production area attached to it. It was located in northeast Wichita, close to KAAO (Jabara) airport. Whenever we finished an airplane, we'd fold the wings and roll it about 3/4 of a mile down 34th street, then cross busy Webb road!

Jabara is a great general aviation airport, but it is not ideal for ultralights. Even so, I never had a trouble mixing in with the pattern. I kept my pattern a little tighter, and FWIW, I didn't have much trouble keeping up with the activity. But the frequent heavy traffic (eg, business jets and so forth) aren't what I want around when I'm testing aircraft.

So we planned a move to a new location. Our new production shop is at the Wichita Gliderport, which is about 3 miles from KAAO, but not on the sectional. We now have a great production facility, on field. We share our new home with about 15 gliders and a small handful of piston aircraft. We have two grass runways, each 2600 feet long. We get to help 'mow the lawn', and when the weather's good, our back door has a beautiful view of the glider activity, as well as the deer, hawks, and critters that roam around open places.

The last two weeks have been spent with the move, and there's still a little more work to do.

Things have been cooking on the sales front. While all of the paperwork is not yet in order, we've booked 3 sales over the last two weeks for kits. We have many hundreds of folks tracking our updates (by registering on our website), and I expect we have a good shot at selling every kit we can make this year.

I'll be busy between now and Sun N Fun. We still have some more testing and work to do on the Trike, along with getting kits out the door.

Thanks for your interest. This is an adventure! I appreciate all of your input -- you have directly affected our development path.

Speaking of input, one interesting thing I've noted is that our customers are more interested in the steel tailfeathers than in the carbon fiber tail feathers. I think you're telling me that you want to see more testing on those feathers before you're comfortable buying them. That's good input.

Another upcoming test is an expanded G test on our wings. Our last test took the carbon fiber wings to 4Gs. Soon, we want to test both our carbon fiber and our 'classic' aluminum spar wing to 6Gs. I'll keep you posted.

Best Regards,


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