Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Flaps, Fire, and Fatalities

 "Flaps, Fires and Fatalities, of sorts".

Fire burned our facility 2.5 years ago, destroying the business. Chipper 2 N318KW survived because it was out at the hangar, but the flap extensions were in-town. They were recovered from the fire debris and have been sitting around ever since. They are still covered with soot.
I want to tell you about installing them yesterday, but first I want to tell you a little more about the fire. Back up your calendar to June, 2019. Before Covid.
Kathy Wiebe and I had gone out to eat, it had been a great meal and a great date night, our Friday evening tradition We were sitting in bed, late on a Friday evening. It was normality. It was about 11:15 and my cell phone showed an incoming call.
"This is the Wichita Police Department... There's been a fire at your facility. Someone needs to come."
Kathy and I threw on clothes and rushed to our building. It was firefighting on full display; 20 emergency vehicles; firefighters walking around mopping up details; rolling hoses.

Eventually, I went to the back of the facility and talked with a fire commander. I think we discussed possible fire origin points (the stupid CNC dust collector, of course) and I thought about the irony that one of our CNC operators was a recently retired firefighter.
And then I thought about our shop cats. I asked the fireman whether they'd been seen. He motioned to the ground, directly by where we were standing. A lifeless body of a cat was on the ground. No motion. Sooted. Dead.
I broke into hacking sobs, tears.
Back to those flap extensions.
Yesterday, I installed them for the first time. I have chosen to fly with them, covered with soot, and who knows, I may never paint them. They are a reminder of what was, how I felt, and also how far from then to now I've come. They provide an entry point of discussion for anyone who looks at the airplane -- why are those dirty pieces of s*** attached to that gorgeous airframe? And then I can tell the story, of which this narrative is a small part.

Monday, October 18, 2021

First Flight of Chipper 2, N318KW!

I am so pleased to report that my airplane and design N318KW Chipper 2 had its first flight! All squawks and paperwork were cleared; taxi tests were just fine, along with successful high speed taxi tests.

Taking the runway after all the gliders had cleared for the day, and with flaps set in mid position, and just a dash of droop aileron dialed in, I smoothly advanced power on the ULPower 350iS 130HP engine. Before full power was really achieved, Chipper 2 was off the ground. I reduced power immediately.... and proceeded to float down the runway.... and it finally settled down back to the ground.
That's a wrap for the day. I am falling back in love with this airplane. It was smooth as silk and roomy on the inside, beautiful on the outside.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Is it possible for an Airspeed (ASI), Vertical Speed (VSI) and Altimeter, all in one Instrument?

How can I save money, time and panel space when shopping instruments for my airplane?  Can I get an Airspeed (ASI), Vertical Speed (VSI) and Altimeter, all in one?

The answer is yes. We're posting a short video on our Multi-Function Instrument, which combines all three functions into one brilliant lightweight display.  As I mention in the video, this instrument is superior because:

The speed ranges are customizable, including the green, yellow (caution) and red (redline) range for your airplane.  You can set it up in knots or MPH.  You also get a moving short term history of your airspeed, which is really useful for seeing how you're doing on your aircraft pitch stability.

Aircraft Spruce usually has it on sale. You can find it here:


and you can see our video, where I quickly describe its features, on Youtube:


Saturday, August 22, 2020

3 views of Chipper Single Seat 2021 Engineering Doodles

Chipper SS 2021 coming at you (perspective view)

Side view of Chipper Single Seat 2021

Top view of Chipper SS 2021