Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fascination of flying like a bird

I've never just posted a link before.

But today, I make an exception.

Here is a video of a model airplane which flies *exactly* like a real bird.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Best Aircraft at Oshksoh 2011

Long time readers are aware of my interest and experimentation in electric aircraft.  Here's the first one I've seen that appeals to me.  It had reasonable performance, length of flight, and simplicity.

My attempts to fly the Belite with electrics have produced a very good, very short flight.  I'd shelved the project until I had some inspiration worth working on.

I learned a lot from this plane.  Got my inspiration back.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Photo Essay on Balloons at Oshkosh 2011

(c) 2011 James Wiebe, Reproduction prohibited without written permission.

My co-worker Gene took the following photos at the balloon launch this morning.  They are stunningly beautiful.  Enjoy:

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

James Wiebe named "August Raspet" EAA award winner for 2011

Hi Friends,

I've got big news.

A few weeks ago I received a letter from Rod Hightower.  He is the president of the EAA -- and the EAA is the most important voice in experimental aviation in this country.

I was informed that I had been selected for this year's "August Raspet" award, which is given annually.  Quoting the EAA:

"Since 1960, the Dr. August Raspet Memorial Award has been presented every year to a person who has made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of light aircraft design."

They cited three reasons for awarding this to me:

1)  My work in developing carbon fiber in ultralight aircraft;
2)  My work in developing lightweight instrumentation for aircraft;
3)  And my work in developing "water in fuel" technology for aircraft.

I was mildly stunned by this news...

Anyway, this evening, they have posted the news story on their website:

And tomorrow night (Thursday) I receive the award.

Kind Regards,

James (For my latest news, I suggest you follow me on Twitter:  @jamespwiebe  @beliteaircraft )