Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Forensic side of my life

Please note: James' blog has moved to a Wordpress site. To access it, please visit http://jameswiebe.wordpress.com/. All posts have been transferred to the new site, and all new posts will only be accessible via Wordpress. Thank you for your interest!

Many of my faithful readers and customers know that I support myself as a computer forensic expert.

You can read an article I wrote here:


I'm very pleased; this is the first professional article I've written for the computer forensic professional.

I have spoken professionally on Computer Forensics many, many times, for instance, next week at Techno Security in Myrtle Beach, SC.

Dan Johnson interviews me on the Belite UltraCub

Please note: James' blog has moved to a Wordpress site. To access it, please visit http://jameswiebe.wordpress.com/. All posts have been transferred to the new site, and all new posts will only be accessible via Wordpress. Thank you for your interest!

Great, great video on my airplane:


Thanks to Dan Johnson and Dave Loveman.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Floats For Ultralights, Explained

Please note: James' blog has moved to a Wordpress site. To access it, please visit http://jameswiebe.wordpress.com/. All posts have been transferred to the new site, and all new posts will only be accessible via Wordpress. Thank you for your interest!

Really cool, really good video, filmed at Sun N Fun, all about our sort-of-unannounced amphibious floats:


Filmed by Dave Loveman, Dan Johnson does the interview of me.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Kyle Hill: What MythBusters Taught Me

Please note: James' blog has moved to a Wordpress site. To access it, please visit http://jameswiebe.wordpress.com/. All posts have been transferred to the new site, and all new posts will only be accessible via Wordpress. Thank you for your interest!

As a MythBusters guest alumni, ("Duct Tape Plane") I note the following post on Scientific American:

What MythBusters Taught Me, by Kyle Hill

Enjoy the blog post!